Contoh Report Text Pandas

Pandas are one of the most famous and easily identifiable animals in the world.  Pandas (Ailuropodamelanoleuca) are family of mammals and classified of the bear family, native to Central Tiongkok.  They are large animals but they include tame and very cute animals.  They live in high mountainous areas, usually from 2.700 to 3.700 meters (8.500 to 11.500 feet) above sea level, like mountainous areas in Sichuan and Tibet.  The most of pandas come from the jungle of bamboo because basically, their food is bamboo.
Panda’s gestation period is five month.  They will bear one to two baby panda in base of hollow tree or cave.  Baby panda will start to open their eyes in six to eight weeks age and can walking in 3 month age. Baby pandas have weight only 100 gram and length 15 cm but after to be adult panda, they have weight about 80 to 125 kg and length about 160 to 180 cm. 
Pandas have a white coat with black fur around their eyes, on their ears, muzzle, legs and shoulders.  They have two legs and two large hands are used to walking, in addition their hands are also used to take the twigs and leaves of bamboo.  Pandas also have a long muzzle with a large nose, which gives them an excellent sense of smell.
Pandas eat almost only bamboo.  They can eat more than 12 kg bamboo every day and just little eat other food.  There are microorganisms in their gut which to helps them to digest bamboo.  Although their food is bamboo, so that they are like herbivore animals and also according taxonomy, pandas are carnivore, but actually they are omnivore because they are known like eating egg and insect.  These food are source of protein for them. 
In winter pandas move to lower place which has warm temperature.  In summer they will go back to high place which cooler temperature.  Pandas are rare animals and almost endangered, because many people often hunt them for being taken their unique fur.  Because of that, Chinese government has created 33 panda’s captivity and more than 50 % of its natural habitat is protected by law, less than 1.500 individuals still in wild nature.


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